Thursday, July 15, 2010

More 1,000 Faces

Project 15 - Day 122

As I mentioned previously The Kid hails from a rather large family that seems to just keep on multiplying. I was able to capture roughly half of the picnic attendees. These weeks with family have made for a great start to my 1,000 Faces project.


Mark is brother to Brad (from yesterday). He is also another one of those stellar outdoors men. That gene seems to have skipped our segment of the family. Should I be glad? Mark is a lot of fun and when he gets together with his 3 siblings the party is on.


The oldest of the greats, Shane is entering his final year at Slippery Rock University. That is really difficult for me to wrap my head around. Does that mean that it won't be long before great-greats start showing up at family gatherings? Shane too has 3 siblings and I believe as the oldest Shane took it upon himself to be the boss. I'm also pretty sure his brothers and sisters would have a lot more to say on that topic.


Tim is son to the mountain man and Cindy. Get this straight now because it's about to get confusing. He is also uncle to the youngsters that will follow. Tim was somewhat of an unexpected blessing some 12 years ago and has nieces and nephews that round out his circle of friends. He is on the quiet side with a touch of mischief added in for good measure.


Linda is a kind and gentle soul. She is wife to Andy (who somehow got by me this time) and mother to Sarah and Hannah. Linda has a strong sense of family and is a blessing to all she meets.


Sarah is daughter to Linda and niece to Tim. She is on the shy side but found a way to let me know she would like to have her picture taken. She's a hula hoopen champ and a tree climber fiend.


Hannah is also daughter to Linda and niece to Tim. Like her sister and mother she is on the quiet side. In fact I think this may have been the only time I saw her all afternoon. She loves getting together with her uncle and cousins for a day of fun.


Betsy, Betsy, Betsy...what can I say about Bets? She has blossomed from a rebellious teen (yes you were Bets, you know you were) into a lovely, young woman. She is a fantastic Mom to 4 active children, wife to Bud and holds down 3 jobs. She does it all with a smile and a sense of humor. Seriously, who else would stop at a farm at the beginning of a 3 hour trip, after a long day, with four kids in the car and get a puppy? Betsy, you are amazing.


Skyler is son to Betsy and another one of Tim's nephews. He is the serious one. As the oldest of four I have a feeling he takes his role as big brother to heart. That sweet, shy smile conveys a warmth and kindness that runs more than skin deep.


Somehow Spence missed out on the red hair that is oh so prevalent in his family. He is a fun-loving kid with bright eyes and maybe a touch of his grandmother's mischief.


Is she not adorable? I could follow these last two around all day my camera and I don't think I would get a bad shot. I think this one also has the mischievous gene..I heard stories about her cutting her own hair...3 times. Maybe she just wants to be a beautician when she grows up.


Could you not just eat her with a spoon? I have more pictures of her than anyone on this day. She is just too adorable. Nuf said. I know you agree.

My apologies to those I missed and those whose names I might have misspelled. (I was already informed that last week I spelled Aila's name incorrectly. I'll make it up to her later.) Thanksgiving will be here before you know it and I hope to photograph the rest of you then.

38 down - 962 to go

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I LOVE this - but I need to see a family tree to keep everyone straight!! Very nicely done.