Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Privileges of Age

Project 15 - Day 124

Have you ever noticed that the older one gets the more outspoken they become? This first came to light for me back in the dark ages when I was still working as an RN. I enjoyed geriatrics and I thought it cute when my elderly charges blurted out inappropriate comments. I considered it one of the privileges of aging.

Recently I witnessed two well dressed elderly ladies almost came to blows in the parking lot of the local Publix simply because one didn't return her shopping cart to the designated area and the other called her to task for it. In her younger years the woman doing the calling out would have rolled that tape in her head but kept the words locked safely behind her smiling lips. I know this for a fact because I know that woman very well. Even my own mother (I'm going to be in serious trouble now) needs to practice using her inside voice when commenting negatively on someone's demeanor while out in public.

I've given it a lot of thought and have decided that this new found freedom of expressions that comes with age has a lot to do with becoming comfortable in your own skin. My theory is that as one ages and the skin begins to stretch and sag there is more room inside to spread out and get comfortable. The older we get, the loser the skin, the more comfortable we become and before you know it the brain is having a snooze fest and the words just slip out.

It's a theory I've been testing. I'll get back to you with details as soon as I schedule an appointment with the plastic surgeon. I think it's time I get a few things tightened before I say something I'll regret.


S. Patton said...

You are seriously funny. And I love your theory!!

Tracy Williams said...

Ha! Yes, it is a privilege! And one that I secretly can't wait to engage in. :) Although, I've been known to use my "privilege" before I've earned it. ;) Great post!