Monday, July 12, 2010

Where's the Beef

Project 15 - Day 119

Where do you go when you need some protein for dinner? I usually hit the local Publix. Last week I hit the local slaughter house. Ok, so I'm not 100% certain it was a slaughter house, but I'm pretty sure it was. It had something to to with the odor that hit me when I got out of the car.

I was pleasantly surprised when I entered the store front. It was normal, or almost normal. There were large coolers neatly filled with packaged meats and other frozen goods. It was the slabs of beef peeking through the doorway of the adjacent room that bothered me. I vowed if I heard any mooing coming from the other room I was out of there. I had a plan. I knew I could power up the beast and send the gravel flying in a frenzy as I made my get-away. Fortunately it wasn't necessary to put my plan into action...there were no mooing sounds emanating from the back room.


I quickly made my purchase and my exit. It was on the long drive down the lane that I noticed them. Standing in a large, mucky pool of water, #5 and his bud #7. I couldn't help wondering what the numbers meant. Were they 5th and & 7th in line for the chopping block? Were they the 5th & 7th purchased that year? The 5th & 7th off-spring of one tired mama cow? The 5th & 7th best studs in stable? As I pondered the obvious they noticed me. They raised their heads in tandem and focused those big brown eyes on me. About this time I was happy I was on the other side of the fence. They didn't look too pleased to have their muck grazing interrupted. I quickly snapped my picture, and climbed back into the beast.

As I made my way back to the main road I gave thanks for Publix. For sterile displays of plastic wrapped containers of beef and pork and poultry. For not having to look my dinner in the eye. I think it's better that way, don't you?

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