Thursday, July 8, 2010

1,000 Faces, Update

Project 15 - Day 116

With the number of family in western PA you knew it was only a matter of time before a 1,000 Faces Update would appear. I have to tell you, there are skeptics out there who don't think this will happen. How can they possibly doubt? I guess they will just have to keep tuning in to see if I make it or not. But remember there's no time limit on this may take 20 years!


Liam is one of the great-nephew's on The Kid's side of the family. He's a soon to be two-year old who loves balls of all kinds and never sits still. Sounds like another soon to be two-year old I know.


This little punkin has a smile a mile wide and have you ever seen such big blue eyes?


What can I say about Austin? He is full of mischief and will charm the socks right off of your feet. He's got a lot to say to anyone who will listen and don't you just want to grab hold of those cheeks and squeeze?


Ayla is big sister to Liam and another busy pre-schooler. She's a shy little angel with the devil in her eye. Believe it, it's true.


Emily is a great-niece on my side of the family. She is going to be a long legged beauty when she grows up. She is as sweet as a jar of honey and as stubborn as 3 mules. And that's the truth.


Logan is also one of the greats on my side of the family. He and his brother are sporting their annual summer do...the Mohawk. It's been a tradition since they were little guys. Logan is another sweetheart that has the devil in his eye. And beware if you meet him, he just might asks ya a question.


Patch is brother to Logan and a soon to be teen. Yikes, when did that happen? He put his elementary school on the academic map this spring with a 2nd place individual metal at the national academic games in Cincinnati. He loves football and is a kind and caring young man.


Jodi is another great niece. (Great niece not great-niece, did you catch that?) She is Mom to Patrick and Logan and has a knack at making people laugh. We two have a long history together. When she was a baby I took her with me everywhere I went when I was home from school for the weekend. Now she drives herself. Oh, and she's available should anyone be interested. But be advised all potential suitors will be screened by the Mohawk sporting boys above and they're not push-overs.

11 down - 989 to go


Bethany Patton said...

Okay, I thought Logan's pic was Patrick unti I kept scrolling down and saw Patch up next. Those boys are growing up! Good to see pics of them all. Of course, they are all lovely.

Marla Logan said...

Tell all your family hello from me!! I can't believe how BIG Logan & Patrick have gotten!! Little Emily too!! Hope you and The KID are having a ball with FAMILY!!

chicken said...

Oh Bethany...don't talk to me about kids growing up! Wasn't it just yesterday that I spent a week holding that sweet baby Gabe?
Miss you!