I should be getting better at this. I'm not. I am very uncomfortable asking people, even those I know, to allow me to photograph them for my little project. And what's worse is that I transfer that insecurity to others causing them to be uncomfortable with the process. I need to work on this.
I get the best results with my little 50mm lens. It is sharp and allows me to shoot in very low light. However, it means I have to get physically close to my subject which in turns increases their level of discomfort. It's one thing to have the technical knowledge, it's another thing entirely to put it all into practice.
I'm finished whining now so on with the show:
Bob, Bobby, Dad, soon to be grandpa. Husband to Audrey, father to Kylie and Tyler. He is full of life, fun, energetic, excitable, dependable, caring and has been a good friend for a very long time. There are many stories to tell on Bobby, none more famous the the great trek over the sand dune at Cape Cod way back in 1973. The beach is just over that dune he said, and so we all set out, like 4 pack mules loaded down for a day at the beach. The dune was high and trecherous, I wasn't certain I would make it to the top, but I did. We all did, only to find there were six more sand dunes of similar proportions between us and the beach. Leadership may not be one of his better qualities but he sure is fun to be around. Love ya Bob.
Kylie, daughter to Audrey & Bob, sister to Tyler, wife to Louie and soon to be mom to Rocco. (Don't ask, it's a long story.) Kylie is much like her father, high spirited, fun, lively, bright and enthusiastic. I think she's going to make one fine Mother to little Rocco.
Tyler, son to Audrey & Bob, brother to Kylie. Tyler is soft spoken like his Mom, quiet, introspective and thoughtful with a killer smile. I still can't figure out how's he remained unattached all these years. Ladies, where are you?
Betty, Bets sister to Audrey, wife to Randy. Betty too is quiet and somewhat shy but behind that sweet, soft spoken demeaner hides a will of iron. It was great reconnecting with her at Hilton Head after such a long time.
Randy, husband to Betty. I just met Randy this past week and I've gotta tell you he is one unique character. Meant in a good way of course. Randy is fun and funny. He's often funny when he doesn't mean to be which makes him all the more funny. Does that make sense? It was a pleasure meeting you Randy, lets do it again soon.
Bruce, Dad, brother to Audrey & Betty, husband to Tracy and father to Allie and Adam. Bruce is the serious one, the attorney, intelligent, and hardworking. In fact he was up early each morning hard at work while I was stumbling around looking for my coffee. Oh and he is one heck of a sand castle builder.
Tracy, Mom. Tracy is wife to Bruce. She is strong willed, energetic, motivated, talented and has the ability to laugh at herself. Something I have to work at very hard. Tracy is the one you want on your team. She is the one who will push until the job is finished and done right. I believe she could move mountains just because she wanted them out of her way.
65 down - 935 to go
For those who have been emailing and calling to check on Henna, thank you. Physically she is much better since we picked her up at the kennel last Friday afternoon. She is eating normally and all signs point to an acute colitis as a result of stress. The sparkle is back in her eyes but emotionally she's not quite over it yet. She's still a little remote, not yet her old self but we see progress every day. I'm pretty certain by next week or sooner she will be back to normal. I'm also certain that we will never board her again.