Sunday, August 15, 2010

On the Cheap

What do you do when you live in paradise, have a desire to get out of the house for dinner and only have $10 remaining in the food envelope? Trust me, I double checked, there was only $10 left.


That's exactly the position The Kid and I found ourselves in last night. After desperately searching through old purses and pants pockets for more cash and coming up empty, we knew there was only one solution....Nacho Mama's. For a mere pittance you can eat like a king, as long as you are prepared to eat a little early in the evening, like 4:30 p.m. early.


But who cares if we have to eat like old folks, we didn't have enough cash to eat like respectable working folks. Seriously, how can you beat $1.00 tacos, $0.50 hot wings and $1.00 drafts. And besides we're not respectable working folks, we're retarees on a budget. Ain't no shame in that.


However I did get a little embarassed when The Kid asked if there was a senior discount.

1 comment:

Kay Carboni said...

$2.50 margaritas? Count me in on my next visit! My treat!!!!