Tuesday, August 10, 2010

As Luck Would Have It

Are you superstitious? I'm not, or I wasn't until last night. The Kid and I were sitting on the couch kibitzing about this and that when suddenly we were startled by a loud crash. Loud enough to jolt Henna out of her sound sleep and loud enough for The Kid & I to wonder out loud "what the hell was that?"

Upon closer inspection we found that one of the closet door mirrors in the guest bedroom had come tumbling out of its casing crashing onto the iron bed frame and shattering into a bazillion pieces. We live in an older home, 1960's old. The sliding doors on this closet are mirrored and ever since we had the new carpet installed over a year ago, there have been issues. Like they didn't fit right anymore. Like the mirrors were popping out of the bottom of their casings. The Kid had repaired them once... with duct tape. Hey, it works. But apparently the weight of the mirror was too much for the tape resulting in the crash and devastation in our guest room.

I guess I should be thankful that we are guestless right now. Wouldn't that wake you up in a hurry? Not to mention the law suit that might be forthcoming as a result of someone picking glass out their... pajammas.

My solution - close the door. If I couldn't see the carnage then maybe it would go away on its own. Besides I didn't want Henna to cut her cute little paws on all of that broken glass. She has had enough trauma in her life for one week. But surprise, surprise...this morning it was all still there.


I couldn't put it off any longer. I drug in a trash can and began picking up the bazillion and one shards of shattered glass. All the while wondering just how many years of bad luck a mirror of this size would bring? It dawned on me that I may never see the dawn of good luck again in my life time.

With that in mind I spent the remainder of the day on my knees in the front yard searching frantically for a 4-leaf clover. The Kid informed me we don't have any clover in our yard and most likely there is none in south Florida. I'm now looking to buy a pig. Yes a pig. Pig's are considered good luck in Germanic cultures. (I've done my research.)

But, I'm holding out for a 4-leaf clover...I don't think a pig will fit in my purse.

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