Monday, August 16, 2010

Bits & Pieces and Frowny Faces

Our girl is still not quite up to snuff since her traumatic experience at summer camp. I think it's time to visit the vet....just to be sure there are no lingering health concerns as a result of her stressful incarceration.


There are also some notable changes in her behavior. She has always been on the independant side but now she keeps her nose close to me.


If I'm working on photos, she's under the desk. If I'm in the bathroom, she's in the bathroom. If I'm in the kitchen, she's lurking just around the corner where she can keep her eye on me. (She's not a fan of the kitchen for some strange reason.) She has become a velcro dog. The kind that sticks like glue.

She has also developed the cat-like habit of cleaning her paws.


Constantly. Perhaps she's trying to remove the remnants of doggy camp. I'm not certain. I do know it is annoying. I keep telling her that it is very undog like behavior. She pays me no mind, goes right on with her housekeeping.

Miss Henna also has quite a collection of charms.


Instead of a charm bracelet, she has a charm collar. There's a charm from GRIN (Goldon Retriever Rescue Naples) of which she is a card carrying lifetime member. First and foremost she is a GRIN dog. If we give her up; we have to give her back. Who are they kidding, give up our girl? Never.

There's a charm that indicates she is micro-chipped. One of those little chips was placed somewhere in her back which would allow her to be traced to GRIN should she get lost. And then we would probably be in BIG trouble.

Of course she has her Rabies tag, standard dog wear and finally her name charm. This is the most important one because this one has my phone number on it. Just in case she bolts and forgets where she lives or is visiting, Mama is only a phone call away. I am comforted by that thought.

But this sad face needs to go.


Actually she looks like this most of the time when she isn't excited about going for a walk or getting a cookie. It is in the gene pool she inherited from the Duck Tolling Retriever side of her heritage. I was relieved to know that little tidbit because for an entire year I thought she was an unhappy little girl longing for her foster mother. Turns out her mouth just naturally turns down.

I'm sure you too will sleep better tonight just knowing that fact.


Audrey said...

She's not leaving your side making sure you never leave her again. If you find an answer to the constant paw cleaning, let me know. Cooper does this. We think it might just be boredom - but for Henna, it must be how she is soothing her frazzled nerves. Does she like stuffed animals? Cooper LOVES stuffed animals. He carries his around and keeps it with him like a security blanket - until Roxie takes over and destroys it. She's not as lovey, dovey with them as Cooper. I hope Henna finds her comfort zone again very soon.

Marla Logan said...

Poor Henna!! I hope she finds her Happy place real soon! The pics you have up in this post are so sweet! I'm glad Henna has someone like you that cares about her!! SHe is so cute!