Friday, August 6, 2010

Louie vs the Turtle People

If you aren't familiar with coastal rules and regulations you may not be aware that sea turtles are protected. These magnificent creatures are on the brink of extinction and in a well regulated bid to save them "lights out" policies have been instituted along our nation's shore lines.

It works something like this...Mama sea turtle makes her way on shore sometime late in the spring. She plods along in the sand until she finds just the right spot to lay her eggs, usually near the dune line. She digs herself a comfy little nest in the soft sand and deposits her future offspring. The eggs are covered over and Mama makes her way back to the sea, content in the knowledge that she has done her part to insure the survival of her species.

Many weeks later tiny sea turtles hatch from their protective shells, dig there way out of the nest and begin the long, laborious journey back to the sea. Instinct has them following the brightest light in the sky, which nature intended to be the moon. Then along came Thomas Edison and the electric light and suddenly the baby turtles are in a sad state of flux. The brightest light in their sky just might be Mr. Smith's mercury, vapor, spot light trained on the nest keeping a watchful eye on the hatchlings progress. The babies become confused and instead of landing safely in the sea they end up on the coast road or in Mr. Smith's swimming pool.


At some point in the past 25 years man has recognized that he just might be responsible, at least in part, for the turtle's dwindling numbers. Thus a "lights out" policy was put into place. The rules state that all outside lights are to be dimmed by 10:00 pm nightly on all beach front property. In addition window blinds and curtains must be drawn to dim the lights from within in order to prevent confusion and catastrophe for the baby turtles. Failure to comply brings the turtle people knocking on your door armed with warnings and citations.

You know where I'm headed don't you? Apparently on our first evening at the beach house we were non compliant. On Sunday afternoon a knock came at the door and we were officially served by the turtle people. They knew we were rookies and gave us the benefit of the doubt by issuing a warning instead of a very costly citation. However, none of this sat well with Louie.


Louie is the son-in-law of our good friends. He is of Italian heritage, large in stature and has advised that he "knows people." For days he has raged on about the turtle people. Railing that now the turtles have more rights than the humans, that it isn't right to have to stumble around in the dark at night in the off chance the little critters might hatch and head out to sea. Everything untoward that has happened this week after lights out has been blamed on the turtle people. Everything from a blown fuse in the bathroom to someone falling backwards into the pool. He has been spoiling for a fight all week, even threatening to leave a light on intentionally in order to bring the "turtle people" out of hiding. Someone is appointed each evening to following Louie around and make certain all of the lights are out and the curtains closed...just in case he makes good on his promise.


He is our very own Don Quixote dreaming the impossible dream, doing battle with the windmills of his mind otherwise known as the turtle people. I am tempted to leave a light on, tempt fate if you will, just to watch the insuing drama. If size and stubborn will are factors I just might put my money on Louie.

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