Monday, November 15, 2010

Indian Summer

I don't know what the weather was like in your neighborhood last week, but here on the lake it was perfection. Of course everything is relative, including perfection.  But for early November in western Pennsylvania, the weather last week was perfect by most standards.


Each day was better than the previous one with bright sunshine and temperatures climbing into the high sixties. We took advantage of the balmy conditions and began our preparations to close the cottage for the winter. This season the task is especially challenging. Not only is it our first time, but we have complicated the process.  Plans for the cottage renovation are nearing completion and construction could begin (weather permitting) the first of the year.  This means that before we leave for Florida we must empty the cottage of all its two days. It's going to be a wild and crazy Thanksgiving I tell ya.

But that's a concern for another day.  For now I'll just sit back and enjoy the gift of Indian Summer because as we all know it is fleeting and soon, very soon,  I'll be freezing again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty color and texture going here.