Monday, November 29, 2010


Originally posted 12/12/08


Last night I received a call from Maw Maw.  Maw Maw is the OTHER grandmother in the life of my grandchildren.  She is also a good friend.  In fact we were friends long before our children got that gleam in their eyes and started us down this wonderful road.  In case you’ve never heard the story, it goes something like this….

Maw Maw and I met while working together in a job that was not a fit for either one of us.  However, there was an instant connection and the friendship that evolved long outlasted the positions we held at the time.  At work, Maw Maw and I would talk about our children. Don’t we all?  When I would share something about S Maw Maw was always quick to add that he needed to marry her B.  She just knew they were meant for each other.  (Do I need to tell you that they were 12 or 13 at the time?)

We both resigned from our jobs within months, and shortly thereafter I went to work for Pop (Maw Maw’s husband).  Our friendship continued to blossom and we began adding our spouses to the mix.  Our children knew each other, but they went to different schools and had little interaction or interest in each other.  Until….one day…. 4 years after this saga began, S and I were enjoying lunch at a local restaurant and ran into Maw Maw, Pop and B having lunch at the same location. I noticed the two of them (S & B, not Pop & Maw Maw) slyly checking each other out and before you could say can this really be happening, she invited him to her homecoming celebration.  He said yes and the rest is history.

There were a few bumps along the way, but after surviving a year when she was still in high school and he in college and spending 3 years at Auburn together they tied the knot and made their parents extremely happy. 

Now, why did I start writing this story?  Oh yes, I remember. Maw Maw called last night.  (B and the little ones are visiting them in Hunstville for a few days.)  And guess what?  She has stinky breath too!


Tim Logan said...

Thanks for sharing somes oldies with us. You and the Kid are special friends and I wish we could get together. Even though we don't get to see each other like we use too there will always be "our bond" that we made before the kids. If I ever get to retire maybe we can join you on one of those cruises.
Love you guys,

Marla Logan said...

Hey you,
I miss "US", our friendship will always be one I treasure!! I only wish we got to spend more time together!!! To you I say THANK YOU for being my friend. THANK YOU for being S's mother. THANK YOU for being Grammy to A. and G. Your friendship totally changed the course my life would take!! We have perfect grandbabies together, who could want for anything more? Love you ALWAYS even when I don't see you!!