Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Floral Follies, Part III

Project 15 - Day 65

Spring is such an under appreciated season. In our haste to rid ourselves of the cold dark days of winter we allow our thoughts to fast forward to the warm sunshine of summer. In the process we often overlook the beauty of the middle child - spring.

Part Three of the floral follies features one of the heartiest of the spring annuals, the Rhododendron. I remember Rhododendron bushes from my childhood in western PA, I remember planting them in our yard in Dansville, N.Y. and I even remember a few from our time in Alabama. I don't remember ever seeing any blooming in south Florida. If I've missed one somebody please mark it with your GPS and send me the location. I'll go take a picture!

Up first is Little Red Riding Hood.

She sure is looking good. She's everything the big, bad wolf could want.

Followed by: The Four Swans. (I know, the fairy tale says six swans. Work with me, it's late.)

And finally: The Snow Queen.

This has been the final installment of the floral follies. I believe I just heard a collective Amen from the masses. I have more. You know that I do. But I'll give you a break. I also have a few hundred of the grandchildren I'll just bet you are dying to see.

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

S. Patton said...

More flowers & grandkids? Bring it!!! We can take it!!! (And I speak for the masses - we love it!)