Project 15 - Day 57
We are packing up this morning and heading south, back to warm sunshine and palm trees. It has been a great visit with the Nashville side of the family. A lot of things have been accomplished, the basement is dry, the yard has been mowed, closets emptied for a bathroom remodel, and the garden weeded.

There was even time for shopping. No visit with J is complete without a visit to the mall and this one was particularly successful. Translation, I spent a little too much money...but the shoes were just too hard to resist, both pair.
And then there is our grandchild, er, granddog Lady. Henna and Lady have had a grand time chasing chipmunks in the back yard and sharing the coveted spot at the front door. They have become buddies and I'm pretty sure they will miss each others' company.
And we'll miss all of them.
1 comment:
Nice to meet your family, through pictures so great, it almost seems like in person! -k-
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