Wednesday, January 19, 2011

After the Rain


It is winter in south Florida, the dry season.  Typically we can go for weeks, even months without seeing a single drop of rain so it was with open arms that we welcomed Monday's shower.  In it's aftermath yesterday morning dawned with a haze in the atmosphere and droplets of water everywhere.

The image above wouldn't win any prizes in a photo contest but I love the quality of the light that is a direct result of our less than perfect weather the prior evening.  It has the feel of an image made on a pinhole camera or one taken with a Lens Baby.  I have neither.  In order to get the result I wanted I had to rely on a little Nik filter magic.

It works for me.


Anonymous said...

It works for me, too. It looks like it could also be a texture layer.

Audrey said...

I don't know what all that means - but it works for me, too!