Saturday, January 8, 2011

To Do or To Don't

I am a list maker.  No to the same degree as some people I know.  (Don't hide, you know who you are B & K.)  But I do plan my day, a trip, a dinner, around some type of list.  It is the only way to ensure that something will not be left out or behind.

As I get older I find I can't remember squat.  A quick trip to the grocery store for two or three items invariably leaves me befuddled.  More often than not I stand in the middle of the store like an escapee from the looney bin repeating the items over and over out loud in a futile attempt to recall that one thing I know I have forgotten.  It's quite embarassing to return home with only one of the two items you needed because you can't remember a short list of two in the five minutes it takes to get in the car and drive to the local Publix.  And let us not forget those times when I carefully compile a list of needed items and arrive at the store only to find said list is at home on the kitchen counter.

I can start cleaning bathroom A, walk to the kitchen for something I need, get distracted by another project and only remember bathroom A when I return there four hours later.  I'm not certain why I have lost so many brain cells of the recall variety but it seems they have taken flight and won't be returning anytime soon.  Thus I have begun the new year by creating a to do list the first thing each morning.  It helps keep me organized and focused on the day ahead.  It seems to be long as I remember to write it.

My question is, what happens to the items that are not crossed off the list at the end of the day?  Should they be ignored?  Moved to a To Don't list?  Added to the following days tasks?  And what of those things that are pushed forward from day to day and never seem to be completed?  Should they be removed permanently?  Or should I seek therapy to determine why I seemingly don't want to walk 3 miles? It really is quite perplexing when you think about it.



Anonymous said...

You just need to make more than one list every morning: "New Things to Do", "Previous New Things, that are now Recurring, but still Undone", and, for those things that have been on the recurring list for one week, " Undone Things that are waiting at the gates of hell for that Freeze". I think that covers everything. You just need a notebook with three columns. Make the third column a lot bigger than the first two. -k-

Audrey said...

I can relate to it all only too well!!

Life in Color said...

-k- As always you are beyond helpful. But I wonder, do they make paper large enough for that third column?

Judy H. said...

The first comment is perfect. I may use those suggestions. Usually I ignore the list altogether and unimportant things are the ones that get done. As for the grocery store, our rule is that if it is more than 3 items a written list is a must. I think it is getting time to lower that to 2.

Unknown said...

Ha Ha! I got on the computer to do something and decided to check your blog first. Then I forgot what I got on the computer for!!! Go figure. I think it's contagious!

Tim Logan said...

Maybe we could all get in a home someplace that could take care of us. We all have things we could help with. The Kid and me could be in charge of the electrical.