Sunday, January 23, 2011


Isn't there some sort of test required to graduate from beauty school?  (Or cosmetology school, or whatever is currently politically correct?)  Isn't there a standard to achieve before one is let loose in the universe to take scissors to another one's head?  Isn't there a way to detect if one side is shorter than the other?  Perhaps, maybe, checking in the mirror?  There must be minimum standards.

I know this whole haircut fiasco is probably my own fault.  After all I have someone who does a beautiful job with my hair.  But she went too far when she raised her prices the last time.  I had to draw the line some place.  I am retired you know.  On a fixed income.  One should not be forced to forego nourishment for a week in order to cover the cost of a haircut.  Should they?  What makes this even worse is that I found someone who does an equally fine job - for half the price!  That's right, half the price.  The problem is she is 700 miles away.

That's what led me to the impostor.  The hair stylist un-extraordinaire.  I am convinced she was a beauty school drop out who faked her credentials.  I thought she acted a little on the nervous side when she began hacking away at my tresses.  If I had been an undercover hair agent she would have been busted and charged with defamation of locks. My locks.

So herein lies the problem.  Do I want to stand on principle and refuse to pay the gouger with the magic scissors? Or do I want to look good?

I guess one week without food won't kill me.


Link to Project 365


Judy H. said...

That is, indeed, a problem. Try another salon. Hopefully you won't need too many cuts before you are back to the one you like most.

chicken said...

Is there a spot to demand a picture? Because, really? How bad can it be...(says the niece with a flair for the dramatic!!)

Anonymous said...

I don't think asking for a picture is being unreasonable.

Marla Logan said...

PICTURE! PICTURE! PICTURE! I just keep paying the BIG bucks. You know what they get what you pay for! Goood luck finding the perfect stylist, with magic sissors on a dime! Might make for a new reality show?

Audrey said...

My hair cutter moved away several years ago (at least 3 but maybe more; time flies you know) and just this year I finally found someone else I like. It takes time and persistence! And you should let us be the judges - picture please.

Audrey said...

Oh - and she's more than reasonable - $20 for just a cut (no shampoo or blow dry; but even with them, she's still a bargain). They are out there - but there's a lot of painful trial and error.....