Thursday, January 20, 2011

Catch Lights

Yesterday Miss Henna and I had a little photo shoot for a Project 365 assignment.  The challenge was to photograph a portrait with catch lights in the eyes.  Since the grandchildren are in a galaxy far far away (NC) and The Kid was in hiding, Henna was proclaimed the subject of the day.

My family is not always the most cooperative bunch when it comes to posing for portraits. That attitude seems to have been conveyed to the dog.  Most days she turns her head to the side or simply gets up and trots off letting me know in no uncertain terms how she feels about me and my camera.  Today was different, a least for awhile.  I got my shot, and a lot of others too.  The little missy was all about showing her many faces to the camera.  She posed, she played, she ran in circles and then she rested.  (Hey, when you're done you're done.)

But in between there was this:


I bet you can't make your ears do this.

And this:

Oh noooo,  I'm not taking the blame for that.

And finally this,

If you take one more picture of me I'm going to bite you.

And...... there are catch lights in every frame.

Link to Project 365


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling when certain people/dogs let you get some shots. Well, maybe I had the feeling once. Possibly twice.

Judy H. said...

These are great and you can see the lights very clearly. One can also see a total change in mood in each shot. Henna looks to be a people-dog not a dog-dog.

Marla Logan said...

Awww...Grammy she is such a cute little dog, I just want to reach out and pet her, catch lights and all!! Good Job!