Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Mondays are confusing and complex days. (I know that you are reading this on Tuesday, but I'm writing it on Monday so work with me here.)  Monday is day one in our work week and should be viewed with the same respect we show the remaining seven days.

All too often Monday gets a bad rap.  Whenever things go wrong we claim it's because "it's Monday."  Or if we're having a bad week we say it's been Monday all week long.  Why is that?  Was it always that way or have we, in our modern world made Monday the bad guy.  The black hat wearing day of the week that wreaks havoc on our lives.  Is it because it is the day we trudge off to work after two days of rest; or because we simply need something to blame when our worlds collapse?

What Monday should be is a day of anticipation.  The slate of the week past is wiped clean.  Seven days of new challenges and adventures lie ahead.  The hours and minutes of the future stretch endlessly in front of us like sands on the beach.  Monday is a day of new beginnings.  It holds within its grasp a myriad of endless possibilities of what we can be and do.  It is a day for dreaming big dreams and outlining a plan achieve them.

And then the coffee pot breaks, the milk is spilled on the recently mopped kitchen floor, and the dog runs away.  That's when you know it's Monday and it's going to be Monday all day.


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