Sunday, January 2, 2011


It is that time of year again.  Don't look so perplexed, you know what I'm talking about.  The new year?  Goals and objectives?  New Years' Resolutions?


Last year I ripped up the list and decided to throw caution to the wind and enter 2010 resolutionless.  (You can read all about it here.)  I have to admit it worked.  It was freeing.  For the first time in many years I ended the first month of the new year successful. I did not fail because there was nothing to cause failure.  There were no resolutions.

However, it seemed wrong to start a new year without at least acknowledging my shortcomings. As a result I have compiled a new list.  Before you start calling me crazy hear me out.  I don't have a list of resolutions, instead I have a list of intentions.  It works like this:  instead of a resolution to lose 10 pounds in 2011, I intend to eat a little less every day.  Or, in lieu of,  I will send Christmas cards next year; it is I intend to send Christmas cards in 2011.

Intentions are much less intimidating than resolutions.  By definition a resolution is "a firm decision to do or not to do something."  I might add my own take on a resolution.  It is a commitment that if not kept invites guilt.  I live with enough guilt in my life.  I don't need to add any more monkeys to that barrel.  In contrast, the definition of an intention is "a thing intended; an aim or plan."  It is a guide line, a road map of how I would like to live my life in 2011.  A map that is filled with detours and alternate routes.  A map that when altered produces no guilt.  If I say I am going to lose 10 pounds and I gain 10 I have failed.  If I say I intend to eat a little less every day and I eat more it's okay.  I didn't fail because I didn't commit.

I think it is a brilliant concept.  I should patent the idea and sell it to Hallmark or better yet start a website, become a motivational speaker, change the world with New Years Intentions.  I could help people.  I could make a lot of money.  Instead I'm just going to share it with you, the faithful eleven.  Because I'm that kind of girl.  I want you too, to have a guilt free 2011.

So if I don't receive a Christmas card from you next year, I will know that you intended do to so.  It was on your list.  But something came up, you encountered a detour, an alternate route. And I will be content in the knowledge that you are feeling no guilt for your lack of commitment.  However I also want you to know that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

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